Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wrestle rather than struggle

I woke and my heart was tired.
I arose and my feet were full of lead.
As we run through this life, I keep falling.
I thought I knew, but how ignorant I am.
What do I do, when all I have is you?

I wish more than life, to be whole.
For this brokenness to come to an end.
It runs in my dreams, and chases in my waking.
It's everywhere I look - my pride is my sin.
Consuming every part of who I am, and staining the joys of what is.

Perhaps it's not as bad as my dreams.
Yet my imagination more a destructive vice, than a creative breath.
Will You change my affections?
Form them into something beautiful?
Rather than the monstrous whore it has been, make my affections right.
I am willing to lay it all down and walk away.
But You say to stay .....
I am working in this moment, in this place. As your afflictions grow heavy, and you try to run from Me. Beloved just stay here with Me. There is nothing that can ruin My love for you - no one can take you from My grasp, even yourself.

So I will wait.
In this moment when my list grows long.
My obligations unending...
I will wait.
You are the King, to You my heart will bow.
Leave me not blessed One, I am not strong enough anymore do this on my own.
Forgive my pride, my presumption to be a god.

Draw me near to Your heart and I will be.
For this is pure religion, to take care of the orphans, to watch over the widows, and holding fast the poor of heart.

I will rest here, at Your heart, in the place it is hard to stand but where Your face is seen and Your hand at work. Hold me fast beloved Brother, model for me true love.

I will arise and face the day,
Not by my own strength,
But by His voice I will wake.
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He is watching over me....