Saturday, November 16, 2013

Falling Deep - A poem of letting go

The current breaks under the line of sight
The undertow pulling us left and right
As the waves crash on to the shore
Our laboring breaths are almost no more

So I stop
Stand up and walk away
I will not drown
But neither will I swim
Instead I will just say, "No, wait!"

Not moving forward, nor falling back
Neither growing, nor withering cold
These waters are too deep for me
So I sail to a more shallow end

I put a cap on all these fears
To prevent the sinking of this ship
I burn the flags of yesteryear
No identity can yet be found

Yet the waters call, like sirens of old
A beckoning too deep to be ignored
To dive may mean my death
But was this living a life anymore?

So I stop
Stand up and jump in
I will not drown
But neither will I swim
Instead I will just stay, in this waters and wait

Wading in this deep
Knowing the ground's beyond my reach
Stead-fasting in the cold
My King calls me to let go of it all

Falling into the waters below
It's darkness is light
The depth's weight like air
As breathe fills my lungs I know
You're breaking me apart

The waters pull away my scales
Filling up the aches, the caverns of pain
Each crevasse of my soul is satisfied
For only You could make me, "me"

Moments or millenias I will never know
The waters depth was untold
Living, breathing Spirit overtaking it all
This was the deep the ancients all told

As the waves break against the shore
My body laid bare in the sand
I arise a new soul, a new man
As one who has been made whole

The waters flow in my veins
No longer the fears, the lies, the pains
Instead Truth is a person, holding my hand
And I can live again

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