Today is Pentecost Sunday. It marks the birth of the Church. Where the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they were emboldened to speak about this topsy turvy kingdom and its prince of peace, Jesus. It is the day where the Peter who had abandoned Jesus no longer lived in shame, and instead spoke boldly that this moment was holy as people from all nations could hear the promise of Jesus in their own language. In the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God declared all people belonged in the kingdom of heaven, that all children are beloved, and we are never alone. “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.” Today our country is devastated by the reality that not all lives have mattered, that there have been powers and principalities at play in ways we have only begun to understand. Today we weep with our siblings of color as we witness another time where the systems that are meant to protect life instead take it because of the color of skin. This is so heavy. To make it light would be a transgression, but the Spirit is here. She is working in and throughout us. She is weeping with the family of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many others who have died because of the sin of racism. She is inviting us today to lament, to weep with those who weep, to repent of our sins, to lay our lives down and listen to the children of God cry out for justice.
God of Shalom
Of purest and truest peace,
You invite us to repentance.
Jesus, prince of the upside down kingdom,
You invite us to lay our lives down.
Holy Spirit of Pentecost,
Spirit poured out on all people,
You invite us to listen.
Triune God,
Diversity and unity embodied in intimacy,
You invite us to join in the reconciliation of the world.
Today we gather as your children.
We join with the great cloud of witnesses, crying out,
“Come quickly Lord Jesus”
Have mercy upon us.
Oh Lord Jesus, Reveal in us the sin of racism.
Where in our action or in action, we have transgressed against Your beloved ones.
Have mercy upon us.
We repent. We turn away. We count the cost, and say, “no more.”
We grieve the ways racism has permeated our way of being, in our families, our churches, our city, our government, our world.
Have mercy upon us.
We ask for humility to listen and truly hear our siblings. Grant us a posture of curious love.
In our listening stir in us a spirit of intercession.
Have mercy upon us.
For George, Breonna, Ahmaud, and every body whose color has made them a victim of violence and hate, we beseech You for justice and redemption.
Have mercy upon us.
Grant us tender hearts, that walk in humility, love deeply, and don’t turn away from hard things.
Help us to see & stand with the marginalized among us.
Have mercy upon us.
Holy Spirit, remind us it is not an us versus them, but a we. We are your beloved ones being invited to lay our lives for the other.
Have mercy upon us.
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