Monday, January 13, 2014

Love - A moment of discipleship

As a twenty-something I often reflect back on the past, wondering what brought me here, peering back to understand the present. In a cliche, millennial way I have found myself a bit disillusioned, feeling betrayed by the promise of grandeur in my youth. I don't understand things as well as I thought, and the decisions of a child still affect this adult daily - which is something I never expected.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to teach our K-5th graders about Love, as the beginning of our study about the Fruit of the Spirit. As our lesson wound down, and we gave them a heart to write in what way they would "choose to love" this week. Then we wrote a Bible verse on the front, "Little children, let us love in truth and action" 1 John 3:18. In this process one of the young ladies asked her peers to help her spell children. The response by the 7-9 year old girls was lacking love.

"Seriously? You don't know how to spell 'children'?"
"You mean you really don't know how to spell 'children'?"

I was assisting the boys when my husband pointed out to me that this young lady was sitting away from everyone else looking on the verge of tears. I went over and talked to her - where she relayed the above story. I comforted her, apologizing that they had hurt her feelings. I encouraged her, telling her what she did was brave and that she shouldn't be discouraged to ask for help again and that she should keep having courage to ask. I then decided to take all the other girls out of the room (even ones who I knew were not part of the discussion) and talk to them about practicing love.

I asked them if they have seen teenage girls be mean to each other - all of them had stories of being mean. 
I told them that right now is the time they have to have each other's backs. They need each other.
I told them that the world is hard, there are people who will try to be mean to them. 

I reminded them of the unique opportunity they have to love each other. They are the light to the Lord, and they can't love the people outside if they can't love each other here.
I asked if they loved God, which they each said yes. I reminded them that if they love God they are His daughter's, which means they are sisters and they need to treat each other that way. 

I then shared what happened to the girl, carefully not calling out those I knew that had hurt her feelings. Rather I asked what they should do when someone asks for help. One girl said if shed didn't know how to spell the words she would say so that way others would make fun of her instead (she's the youngest in the group). The eldest and "cool" girl in the group said she'd be honest as to whether she could spell, but would make sure no one would be made fun of. The two girls who had made fun didn't voice anything. I then asked  all of them to think and ask God to help them see if they treated her unkindly, and if so to apologize.

These young ladies are all raised in Christian homes, experiencing many of the same things I did as a child. I want them to own their faith, like I was encouraged to. They need to hear the whisper of the Spirit now in order to cultivate that throughout their lives. They don't need another person "telling" them what to do, but rather guiding them into making the right decisions. You see this 8-12 time framed my faith, my habits, my sins, my love, my image of God, my purpose, my call in significant ways I am still unfolding. 

I let the girls go back in the room and hang out with everyone else. Two of the girls asked me if what they did was right. Rather than giving them a simply yes or no, I asked them how it would feel if someone treated them that same way. One girl went and apologized after this. The other girl, who struggles with authority and empathy thought my point was silly and couldn't see through the eyes of the other young lady.

In our attempt to learn about the Fruit of the Spirit, we were given the opportunity to practice love. It was a choice, not a feeling and that hopefully planted a seed. My little kids, and us adults - We are the Body of Christ, we need to desperately choose to love each other -  not yelling at our differing opinions, attire, politics, gender, leadership or race. If we can't practice love here, when I am tied to you and you are tied to me, how can we ever love a world that hates us? Love as a fruit of the Spirit is a gift, and it is a choice - it is not first a feeling but it is lived out through supernatural obedience. 

Love doesn't blindly agree; love certainly calls us out on our crap.
Love knows that we are a family, and no matter what we are in this together so I will work towards reconciliation, I will move towards friendship, I will lay my life down for you for this is the way the world will see our Savior. 

I look forward to learning more with my kids as we attempt to live out this Christian life together. 

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