Friday, December 12, 2014

I(n) justice

Of late the news has been overflowing with updates of the latest injustice. Living wage. Women matter. Black lives matter. War spreading. Disease killing lives and economies. Bigotry. Biased.

To be honest it can be overwhelming. But as I felt the Spirit tell me months ago, She holds all causes within the Godhead - I am called to obey and follow where God leads me and pray for all.

I have spent the last four and half years dedicated to a job. While other parts of my life have been important, when I rise and when I lay my head to rest the responsibilities of Sodexo have been in my heart. In many ways I feel like I've given my best to this place. They have given me in return as well, I've been given opportunities, education, experience and training that is invaluable. But it's not been without blood, sweat and tears.

My father has often reminded me of my name, Traci and it's meaning. Demanding on the origin it can mean industrious, determined or warrior. I have lived these all in my job, often forgetting the grace that flows from the Spirit and God knew when my parents  gave me the middle name Anne.

Last night at our corporate Christmas party, I wept. I wept for the injustices. Of the world. Of the wage gap. Of the fact that if I live in poverty then how much more do my counterparts earning almost half of what I do. I sinned in my weeping as I directed my pain to man rather than the principalities and powers of injustice, and then lamenting to the Lord. This is why I see that often times I respond to injustice as more my interpretation of justice or I (n)justice. I wept, my heart still is heavy - I may never recover. But I hope the Lord will tighten my lips, soften my heart and ready my knees to pray like I've never prayed before..

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