Friday, July 26, 2013

The Body - Ecumenical Conversations in Movements

Jesus -
What are you doing?
And why are you doing it?
Why does the hand not even see the foot?
Or the ear not acknowledge the knee?
How do we operate with such blind assurance?
Confident and true, but incomplete;
it seems the Body is never one.

How can we belittle an act of God?
Don't we know the wise things of this world will be made foolish?
Can't we see that great work our brother is doing?
Even it is unfamiliar and foreign,
will I say they are against You
as the cast out demons in Your name?
When did we get here?
Assured in our place.

I stand as though atop a wall,
seeing to the left and to the right.
Both true,
both beautiful,
both right,
yet neither are complete.
Oh God, in Your majesty,
How can we can we confine You?
In the midst of Your splendor,
how can understand You?

Stretch me,
pull me,
let these questions mull around in my heart.
But Jesus,
Don't answer.
Let me stand on this wall
Between the divisions,
attempting unity.
Trying love.
Seeking peace.
One Body.
I can't stand alone -
one can fall and die.
With two, they can stand up.
Oh Lord but with three,
that cord shall not easily break.

Let me dance along the bridges,
singing songs of unity between us.
Painting the tapestry of diversity;
breathing in the majesty of color.
Gold dust, to footwashing;
Languages known and unknown.
Breaking bread with the wise & the fool,
drinking the juice of the vine with the misunderstood.
Let me stand along these walls,
in the in between -
I see You more clearly here.
Your world is so much bigger than my eyes can see -
Let me fly into the largeness of You,
growing more amazed, more diverse, as love overflowing
in the midst of this diverse community.
For this is Your Body,
this is Your Cup -
bridging the gaps so we can stand together,
Dancing this dance of unity and love
Until we are one as You are One.


This is not a judgement, but a song out of my heart to my Father. I have never been a committed member of a movement, denomination, or church. I know I need growth, as I lack maturity in commitment, in persistence. As a family we moved around, seeking community wherever it would be found. In the midst of discussions on the Body and community especially through Wesleyan Pentecostal Holiness lens, it seemed as though we are standing apart. I have an incomplete vision of Christ, of the Body, of the Trinity, of God - and I know this. I don't want to let pride prevent me from knowing God. I've been a mere step above a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. Yet I can't help but see a Body so diverse, while we are so blind to the beauty of Spirit's work. Where bonds of unity could grow and give strength - we stay to the streams of ecumenical work that 'make sense' through denominations and traditions that have lasted hundreds of years. But what about the new movements, the groups that have yet to grow a understandable structure and yet are changing their neighborhoods, their cities, parts of the world without us even knowing it? There is so much more to the conversation than what we know right now, and perhaps are even comfortable with. But isn't that the beauty of Creation? All the good, all the right, all the true, all the aspects of the imago Dei formed into one Body that reaches across every human boundary? That is a love the world can't replicate, can't understand and so desperately want - they don't need more walls dividing us, but a love that reaches beyond commonalities to a spiritual tie that withstands all storms. They need the Body of Christ, in all her forms, broken and true as she become more and more the unified Bride.

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