Saturday, May 18, 2013


Have you ever looked forward to something? 

Sometimes it is as simple as seeing a movie trailer, and being really excited for the 'real' release.
Sometimes it is the promise of an adventure, a Disneyworld trip, something that is distant but within grasp.
Sometimes we anticipate a future we can see though it is not in our immediate future - marital engagement often embodies this.
At an even further anticipation, sometimes we long for a future that is not even sight, a future we have been promised, something we don't know how it'll happen, a future we so desperately want to have present NOW that is hard to keep going under just this promise of a someday.

Often the latter is the most likely to be disappointed. The longer we anticipate the deeper the dejection will cut if the promise is not met. 

I have never wanted a promise to unfold as much as I do now - and the irony of it all is that it's not even for me. 

As children we don't typically think about how an unfulfilled promise of a DisneyWorld trip will affect your siblings, your parents or your friends - its a pretty self focused disappointment. 

As an adult and when you have eyes to see, and you see a promise in-limbo it can be a pretty wrecking experience, especially when no action of yours can quicken its fulfillment. 

I always wanted to believe in physical healing, and I have experienced some healing myself - but nothing unexplained.  I've never seen a limb grow, a cripple walk, or the dead rise. In fact I have seen those who have held onto a cancer healing die, and leave broken families behind. Its hard to believe in physical healing when you have never seen it. But you want to; the Bible is full of miracles, incredible things happening, often in unconventional ways.

I want to anticipate, but I don't want to be let down. 

As a child I believed in the promises of my father: treehouses, tire swings, vacations, adventures, presents etc. After a handle of delays, and often forgotten promises never came to pass the anticipation wore down to light cynicism  and as time went on "realistic expectations" set into place  - I knew the grandiose promises of my father would never come to pass. One day as an adult I joked with my father about the many unfulfilled promises - and his response surprised me. 
I fulfilled all of those promises. Yeah it didn't happen at the time you expected, and sometimes looked different than you planned - but I can not remember a single promise I did not keep in some form and fashion.
After more reflection I realized for the most part he was correct - the tree house turned into a golf cart and 40 acres of freedom, the tire swing happened a few years later, and that adventure was my 16th birthday trip to Israel and was certainly more than I could've asked for. I saw all this, to say - if my fully flawed earthly father can keep his promises to me, how much more will my perfect Father keep His word? 

"So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 11 Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish? 12 Or if the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion? 13 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

With this promise in hand I say anticipate, hold fast to the promises you have been given. Don't assume you know how it will be fulfilled, remain open to His Spirit - He sees are life beginning to end, He will not leave you without hope. Believe beloved, and I've believe alongside you - He will show up. 

don't let go of this faith
Hold fast
looking forward with hope
Push down
the walls the creep up
Remain soft
though failure is possible
Never give up
Don't let doubt steal tomorrow's joy
As the night
envelopes the light
dawn will rise and the Son break through

Your presence, Your heart
But I know
You may come in a whisper
In the thunder
in the fire, in the cloud
But Lord You will come.

Shake my lethargy
Break my despondency 
I will hope in you
Harden me against offense
As You may come in a way I never anticipated
But Jesus, I know
You will come.
Holy Spirit flood in
Father You won't let us drown
But we will swim in these waters with You.

Let the lame walk
Let the blind see
Let the deaf hear the name of the Lord
Bring Your breakthrough
And the broken hearts,
though they may be many,
will be made new,
will be made whole in You.
Bring Your breakthrough. 


Don’t want to be ashamed
The day I see Your face
Keep my footsteps firm
Hold me in Your grace
I want to be found faithful
I want to be found steady
I want to be found faithful
Until the end

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