Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Late Night Conversations

I was nestled and comfortable in my bed, when I received a call from someone I hadn't spoken to in years. She was at a point of crisis, and after two hours of talking we were able to resolve for a future hope. The next night the same conversation was rehashed in different ways, and two hours quickly passed. I expected quick and swift resolution. A "miraculous" fix to give a praise report of, that next week.   A few texts, and a more 2 hour conversations later I am beginning to realize the need for truth and hope on a daily basis. Honestly if we lived near each other I'd try to do a daily coffee date. But being a 26 hours drive and two time zones away, late night conversations are where we are.

It has made me humble. She is a wonderful person, who has found herself entwined in false truth - so beautifully guised that its deception is attractive and blinding. The enemy of our souls does not create, but he does twist and deceive. Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it's easier believing the lies than walking into truth.

It is in this bondage of deception where the verses and words of Jesus ring ever true.

“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” This phrase comes as an explanation to the disciples after Jesus has told the masses of His sacrifice, His death and references the Mosaic idea of being lifted up for our healing. (Numbers 21; John 3) Jesus doesn't leave us there but declares us even further free, "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." 

Freedom is an acceptance of truth. Truth is often not easy, especially at first. Truth convicts us, makes us bare before the King. If it is TRUTH then there is NO fall back plan, no way to deny it or say it was perverted thus allowing a way of escape when the standards of truth is too high.

A truth is that Jesus died so we could be free. His death was given to us as gift, but it is an active present we participate in His death daily. Taking up the cross of self, and looking ever towards our Savior. We don't leave Jesus at death nor shall we stay dead. But being alive in Christ demands our willingness to die to ourselves in order to participate in that life.

So here is to more late night conversations - where Christ the TRUTH embodied can and will change everything; Restoring what was stolen, making right what had been twisted, and setting the captive free. Sometimes we just have to let THE Truth speak and He will not give us a snake, when we have asked for bread. Thank The Lord, He is Love.

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