Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Dear Friend,

Thank you.
While we've had our ups and downs, and our odd therebetween - the months we wouldn't talk, and the late evenings we enjoyed in each others company - I consider you a friend. One I'd willingly lay my life down for. Of late its certainly been the months of not seeing each other; life happens. The obstacles we must overcome in our own lives can often cloud the ability to be with another - I understand this but I am sorry I didn't help carry you as much as I wish I could have.

You made my day. Even in these awkward in between you showed your humor and playful side by meeting us in our isolated state. While the masses went straight you veered to the left just so we wouldn't feel so alone. You didn't have the necessity to partake in the 'special' bread, and yet you did - for my sake, so I wouldn't look 'so sad'. Friend, you brought an inexplicable joy in such a small gesture.

Yet you did not stop there, in the midst of the altar - while seeking the Lord for His presence, you stayed. Your tarry turned into hands on prayer for us when no one else did. You saw us, when all the eyes were turned toward another. In the midst of a community of 'ins' you, on the outside remained there with us, your love has rocked my soul in profound ways. Thank you.

I wish I could make this world right for you. Turn back the clock, undo the pains that have been caused by you and others. To return innocence lost. Yet we live in a world of consequences, but I pray.... I pray for grace inexplicable, healing unexplained, miracles anew for you. That the grace you bestowed, whether unwittingly or fully knowledgeable  would be heaped onto you a hundred fold. I knew in that moment of veering, that act of tarrying, I would never be alone - that if the world started to come undone you would be there. Even if there is months between us again, thank you brother and sister for being my friend. I pray that the Lord lifts you to high places, far away from the reaches of condemnation and the world's hypocritical judgement. I love you, and His love for you overflows like the ocean.

Yours most sincerely,

Sister in Christ

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