Friday, May 24, 2013


I haven't been able to get a certain worship song out of my head the last couple of days. It plays on repeat in my head and calls me away to the One to which it refers.

Said, let there be light
To a dark and formless world
Your light was born
You spread out Your arms over empty hearts
Said, let there be light
To a dark and hopeless world
Your son was born

You made the world and saw that it was good
You sent Your only son, for You are good

What a wonderful maker
What a wonderful savior
How majestic Your whispers
And how humble Your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a father
How majestic Your whispers
What a wonderful God

No eye has fully seen how beautiful the cross
And we have only heard the faintest whispers
Of how great You are

You made the world and saw that it was good
You sent Your only son, for You are good

What a wonderful maker
What a wonderful savior
How majestic Your whispers
And how humble Your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a father
How majestic Your whispers
What a wonderful God

How majestic Your whispers
What a wonderful God

 I haven't had the time as much to spend with the Lord in the mornings. It's amazing how one decision will affect your entire schedule to such a deep magnitude - so I have been spending only a short while and have tried to soak in His presence rather than impress the world with my profoundness.

Sometimes I don't feel especially made; my identity as a created one by the One who was not created, often gets lost in the shuffle.

Phil has been focusing on the beauty of being created, being formed the way we are - rather than fighting against the DNA we've been given learning how to embrace it for the glory of God. For those of us whose gifting, passions, and personalities fit in society well (myself and many extroverts) this process tends to be a holding back and a practice in humility. For those in society that are 'on the fringe' or whose personality doesn't light up a room, well those people are out of luck most of the time. If you are reserved = shy. If you sit back when the rest go up to the altar = not in the Body. But perhaps how we've been doing life, doing 'church' needs to reflect the wholeness of the Body of Christ - anticipating the diversity of the 'made ones' and looking forward to their unique contribution.

Sister - you have a heart of empathy I will never have. You have and will continue to express the heart of God in such a real and convicting way. Don't conform to the world's expectations of 'control'. Let your spirit be submitted to the Spirit who gives comfort and counsel - trust on Him. Don't lose you, while trying to gain our approval - let the Lord guide you into all righteousness and wholeness so that your gift will light up the world. You have a strength from the One who is both strength and love - look to Him as you have been made to be.

Brother - I'm sorry your heart has been wounded. That the sweet and gentle nature was often rejected, and your voice of discernment never heard. You offer the father's heart - both protector and judge, giving compassion and allowing consequence. Be weird, be on the 'fringe'. Don't change. You stand as a light to remind us that we never have God fully figured out. Don't be afraid to speak, walk in the obedience you have been given. Hear that majestic whisper and have peace in who you've been made.

Don't expect others to meet your standards of reality. They won't and honestly they can't. So often it seems that when a member is filled with the Spirit we expect a change of personality - the introvert will be made bold. Yes, I know and have seen that with the power of the Holy Spirit so that the introvert will be bold in their witness - but don't assume you know what their bold is. There is so much diversity, and wonder to the Body of Christ. If we can't accept and love the other who will?! As a wonderful pastor/teacher preached once, we are to be the branch to the world. Being grounded in God, if we let our branches grow the more of the world we can reach. If we only offer the branch to those we 'understand' our tree will be quite sad and many members will never find the rest that can be found in our branches.

God I want to remember the wonder of being made, being formed to who You've made me to be. Help me to hear Your voice in the midst of the masses - and know I am made in You, a beautiful creation that offers a part of Your heart to the rest of the Body. I am not the beginning or the end of the Body, but my part is significant as its member - help me not forget the diverse parts.

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