Friday, May 3, 2013

Meaning what you say or saying what you mean

Did you know I love you?
I mean really love you?
I'd give up my everything, to just be with you?
Well I do, and I wish I could tell you that always.
My actions often counter it,
and my words are sometimes cruel.
But I love you,
from the sun, the moon and the stars -
and back.
So when I fail,
know it is with the best of intentions.
When I succeed know,
its probably an anomaly or the grace of our God.

I'm proud of you,
I don't say it often enough.
The love you have,
puts me to shame.
The care for our daughter,
I could ask for a better gift.
I am never alone,
God gave me a best friend,
who is far from perfect,
and yet is perfect for me.
I love you,
and I am sorry for being so unloving.

I want to better.
I prefer to stay lazy.
I will be better.
But through my own strength,
I can't not improve my steps.
I've believed I could change me,
for many years I have held this to be true.
That is until I fell in love with you.
My anger I can't surpress,
my pain I can't express,
and yet I want to be better.
My flesh does what it wills,
and my heart aches for its better.
So beloved, I ask the Lord with a humble heart,
to make me better.
For me, for you, for our daughter,
for our friends, for the lost, for the glory of God -
I will be more.
I will give my life fully to the cause of Jesus.
Burning my bridges of control,
giving up my need to be right in order to be His, to be yours.
I love you,
I want to love Jesus truly.
I love, but I can love so much more.
I promise you, through His grace I can and will be fully made until that glorious day,
when our faith is perfected, our love ever reflected into glory.
I love you now and forever.
My heart is yours, and it is God's.

"You may not trust the promises
Of the change I'll show
But I'd be yours if you'd be mine

To have and to hold
A lover of the light"

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