Tuesday, April 23, 2013


"There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it lies heavy upon humankind.... All human toil is for the mouth, yet the appetite is not satisfied." Ecclesiastes 6:1,7

The tension of already, and not yet seems strong today. In the midst of decision, indecision  illness, crisis, melancholy, joy, depression and elation Ecclesiastes tends to resonant as a sound word. And yet...

I share this favorite song by Phil Wickham from his indie album.

Your words can satisfy
My every need
My cup cannot run dry

Your water flows within me
Your love has satisfied

My every need
Marvelous and holy
King upon the cross
I will serve You only,
Make my life Your own
I'll follow You forever
Give You all my love
Only You are God

My true and faithful friend
I cast my cares upon You
Your mercy draws me in,
The mighty rushing wind
Brings me into Your presence
I call Your name again,
Jesus, Jesus

I am drawn to John 4. Currently a life verse of mine is John 4:14 "but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life."
How desperately do I long to drink that water!
To do away with this flesh and bones, whose weariness drains.
And still - it is already and not yet.
I cannot offer what I do not have.
I cannot empower, when I am powerless.
So arise.
Join the fight.
Drink the water.
Fall into the mystery.
Letting no man, no idol
keep you away from this Man.
I wait.
Stand strong.
Send laziness away.
Melancholy disappear.
Distress find peace in love.
He is faithful forever and always.
And so I will seek You, and find
All the longings fulfilled.
That have been set
Since the beginning of time.
Lord I believe,
Help my unbelief.
My body is ill,
my mind is worn.
Conflict still reigns,
wash over me.
In Your everlasting waters,
cleanse this sin, and make me new.
I will wait, I will trust,
You respond, You are there.
I love You Lord,
even if I don't feel it always.
You love me Jesus,
even in my disparaging faith.

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